Monday, July 18, 2011

Shampoo Bar Interview....who me??

The Soap Sister shampooing w/"Pooh Bar" Natural Shampoo Bar
from Heirloom Soapworks
The warm and friendly soapmaker over at Joyful Soaps, Leslie, recently asked me, along with Amy Warden of Great Cakes Soapworks to participate in a
Q & A regarding shampoo bars. 

As you may know, Amy began testing and documenting her shampoo bar experience a while back, and I jumped onto her bandwagon -sampling and documenting my own experiences.

I certainly don't consider myself a shampoo bar making expert by any means, but I am completely  hooked on them and convinced of their merit -I suppose that counts for something! :) 

Here  is a link to the first of Leslie's two-part blog series on shampoo bars:
Joyful Soaps Shampoo Bars part 1

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