Saturday, November 10, 2012

Handmade Soap Workbench 2012

I am so excited to show my soap-making friends the AWESOME new work table my Dear Hubby made for me!

It's enormous, TALL (39 in. to worktop perfect for a 6ft. soap-maker like myself) and STURDY (bye bye to the rickety folding table.) Plus, he ran an industrial power strip under the front edge, so no more knocking things over with my stick-blender cord. (a clever clever man, My Hubby!)

All this he did on his day off yesterday while I was at a craft fair.  What a great gift. :)   He is going to put a shelf on the bottom (atop the 2x4 frame) where I will keep my large containers of oils & butters, and another shelf will be up tomorrow on the upper rt. of the pegboard to hold clays and other colorants that are currently on top of the white cabinet that holds my essential oils and fragrances.

We worked this evening on getting the pegboard organized, but I will wait until tomorrow afternoon after church to make my first batch of handmade soap on it. I can't wait! :)

Hope you all are pleasantly busy this season, and soaping up a storm.

Happy Soaping Everyone!   ~Becky


Jennifer Young said...

I love it!! Love your space and how easy it is to get at the utentils!!!! xoxox Jen

St.Maja said...

I crave for one like this. Soaps- get ready!

Ambra said...

Oh, that is so nice. I have to admit that I envy you of this great space. I'm still using the kitchen, but would love something like that :) You have a great hubby!

Mary Smith said...

Amazing workbench!!!

Tierra Verde Handmade Soap said...

Yay for the hubby!A nice well organized space makes such a difference-even in a small space or maybe especially for a small space. Happy Soaping my friend!

Amy Warden said...

Very nice!! I can imagine LOTS of great soaps being made in this space. What a great hubby!

Patti said...

Very impressive! I would love that. What a wonderful husband!

Anne-Marie said...

That's so sweet of him! Aren't husbands who understand our soapy obsessions the best? :)

Unknown said...

That is such an awesome work space! Someday, someday, someday I will move my soap making from the kitchen to my very own space as well. LOVE IT!!!!!